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Mormon Restoration, Christian Reformation?
The tired old trope about post-apostolic Christians, without prophets and apostles, struggling to work out exactly what they believed, Nicaea, the cobbling together of a Bible, and the ‘invention’ of the Trinity, really has outstayed its welcome, yet Mormons still trot it out at every opportunity.
Jehovah’s Arrangement for Salvation
What is Jehovah's Arrangement for Salvation? Have you ever tried to hand some Christian literature to a Jehovah’s Witness?Challenging work, isn’t it? Do they bring Jehovah's arrangement? Though they are eager for us to take their literature, their hierarchy tells
A Chinese Saviour, an Obsolete Bible
This is the story of a Chinese Saviour, an obsolete Bible, Millennial panic, Mayan prophecy, kidnappings, and murder. New Religious Movements abound. Most are never known to the public, but a few do enter the public consciousness with an appearance
Hypnosis and the Christian
What is hypnosis? We have all seen, and laughed at, the stage hypnotist as he appears to have control over the minds of unsuspecting members of the public. With a click of his fingers, people fall under his spell. He
Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR)
It is common today to hear people say they are spiritual but not religious (SBNR), also known as ‘nones’. They believe in something greater than themselves, but they don’t consider organised religion as the way to spiritual growth. They may