Welcome To Reachout
Welcome To Reachout

Challenging the Cults and Equipping the Church since 1982

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Reachout Convention 2024
Welcome To Reachout
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Welcome To Reachout
6 Steps to Defending Your Faith

Many Christians today don’t share their faith with others, either informally with family, friends and colleagues, or formally in outreach...

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Mormon Revelation and Restorationism

Mormon Revelation and Restorationism

Mormonism is a Restorationist religion. This is hardly controversial or surprising since it grew out of the Restorationist enthusiasm formed during the Second Great Awakening of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Restorationism is one of two very influential movements to come out of the Great Awakening whose influence we still see today, the other being Adventism.


The Watchtower: How High Control Organisations Work – 4

The Watchtower: How High Control Organisations Work – 4

In this fourth article further challenges will be highlighted for the Christian trying to evangelise the adherents of High Control Organisations. Attentional Bias (1) When a doctrine that is promoted in a way that invokes our emotions this will draw


A Chinese Saviour, an Obsolete Bible

A Chinese Saviour, an Obsolete Bible

This is the story of a Chinese Saviour, an obsolete Bible, Millennial panic, Mayan prophecy, kidnappings, and murder. New Religious Movements abound. Most are never known to the public, but a few do enter the public consciousness with an appearance


Hypnosis and the Christian

Hypnosis and the Christian

What is hypnosis? We have all seen, and laughed at, the stage hypnotist as he appears to have control over the minds of unsuspecting members of the public. With a click of his fingers, people fall under his spell. He


Completing the Romans Road: Discipleship

Completing the Romans Road: Discipleship

A great challenge facing our ministry today is not just helping people leave the cult for the truth, it is helping them go on with God, grow in their new faith. It is helping them move from identifying themselves with their past – being an ‘ex-’ to identifying themselves with their Saviour, being a Christian, a ‘follower of the Way.’ A church that fails to disciple lets everyone down, perhaps especially those leaving high control groups looking for leadership and direction, and finding only management and the next programme.