Support Reachout

The work of Reachout depends very much on the faithful and generous help of our supporters, people like you, who share our concern to ‘contend for the faith’ (Jude 3) and reach out to the lost. If you have benefited from our ministry and want to help others benefit you might consider supporting Reachout in the following ways:

Support Reachout Through Giving:

Please Select an amount to give to Reachout:

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Donation Total: £10.00

More ways to give financially

Support Reachout Through Prayer:

The work of Reachout has been sustained over many years by faithful prayer warriors who remember us in their prayer lives. Both individuals and churches are invited to pray for the work and we know it makes an enormous difference when they do. Particular areas of need are:

The guidance of the Holy Spirit in this very often sensitive area of ministry.

The continuing health and strength of the staff, trustees and their families.

The teaching and training work of Reachout as we visit churches and meet with individuals.

The regular publication of the newsletter, its reach, and effect in people’s lives, as well as our ongoing publishing work of key books and tracts.

The many people who turn to Reachout, either for a friend, or family member, or for themselves.

Your giving enables Reachout to:

Print and distribute material essential to the education of the saints and to reaching cult members.

Plan and underwrite conventions around the country where people may come for more, in-depth, teaching.

Maintain our day-to-day running costs.

Bring our teaching to people who can’t afford gifts to the work but need our help and materials.

We want to be able to train local leaders and Christian communities wherever the need is and your support makes all this possible.

If you share Reachout’s commitment to biblical truth, to Christ’s church, and ministry to the cults, and you are able to give, I encourage you to do so. Your practical support will make a positive difference in the lives of people from across the world who use this ministry.

Thank you

Michael Thomas

More Ways To Financially Give:


If you wish to send a cheque it should be made out to Reachout Trust and sent to the office address:

Reachout Trust

45 Rhondda Street

Mount Pleasant




You can give via PayPal by visiting our website and clicking the Support Reachout button.

Direct Debits

If you wish to make regular payments through your bank simply go to your account online and set up an arrangement. Bank details are available on request from head office.

Credit Cards

To donate by credit card contact Derek at head office and he will walk you through what you need to do.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer don’t forget we can claim back the tax on what you give. Simply contact us and we will send you a form to set up a Gift Aid arrangement.