This group was originally known as the Children of God; they were disbanded under that name in 1978. There have been a number of investigations into their lifestyle, but despite rumours, there has been no proof that they are today involved with child abuse or pornography.

We do not believe however, that this means that they can as yet be accepted as an evangelical Christian group as they describe themselves.

Some Main Doctrines

For the most part their written statement of faith appears “Christian”, as they claim, but it is the living out of these beliefs that is the acid test. The major doctrinal problems, when compared with the beliefs of evangelical Christianity, are to do with a wrong non-biblical attitude towards sexual matters and an involvement in the occult.


There has never been any clear repentance from their past pornographic attitudes as the Children of God. True, they did change their name but the leadership remained the same. Even now, after the founder David Berg is dead, they still accept some of his writings. Shepherding too, is often reported to be of an authoritarian, rather than loving variety.