Mormons and Trained Ministry
Mormonism has no ‘trained ministry.’ I will explain the scare quotes momentarily when I look closer at…
Mormonism has no ‘trained ministry.’ I will explain the scare quotes momentarily when I look closer at…
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe they sanctify God’s name by extensively using it, by being ‘Witnesses of Jehovah.’ Before…
How are you at talking to cult members? I have just seen an article on the satirical…
What a great joy it is to hear of those who leave cultic and occultic practice to…
Editor’s note: Colleen Tinker of Life Assurance Ministries brings key insights into learning to read and understand…
Editor’s note:God the Mother and a restored passover are part of the teaching of the WMSOG, a…
Are there two hopes, two classes of Christians, as Joseph Rutherford taught, and Jehovah’s Witnesses teach today?…
2005 saw the publication of the revised Missionary lessons of the Mormon Church. It does seem a…
For a world religion, the faith of Zoroastrians may seem small consisting of around 190,000 members. Nonetheless…
Anyone following the process of rebranding Mormonism over the past ten years might be forgiven for thinking…