Seminar Booking Form 200+

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Reachout Seminar Booking Form

Please ensure that the following information is provided and boxes ticked as appropriate.

  1. All giving is on a voluntary basis however it would be appreciated if you would consider covering as much of our basic costs as possible. We estimate that for your venue over 200 miles away an evening costs us £80 and a full day £130 (both plus an extra £100 travel.). If there is an extra gift to the work this of course would be gratefully received.
  2. We will bring a resource display with us unless requested otherwise. Please let folks know this so that they can bring money should they wish to make purchases.

** 3. Please note the information on numbers and suggested advertising arrangements at the bottom of this form.

** 4. Please indicate below if your full contact details cannot be advertised in our newsletter, on social media, and on our website. If you say ‘no’ the details will only be given to those who ring and ask. If not completed we will assume yes.


Advertise my contact details
Name and Address of Church/Venue
Date / Time of Event
Organiser's Details
Will the Venue

Please Note

We recommended that seminars are only held if there is a minimum of 25 people present. The reasoning behind this is twofold:

First, we want to make good use of the health and energy that God has given and not spread ourselves too thin or overload the diary.

Second, the costing we suggest does not always cover the amount for travel etc when increased petrol costs and may be overnight accommodation are taken into consideration; these are subsidised by the sale of resources.

We therefore reserve the right to cancel if as the date draws near you know that the numbers are low. Please do be responsible in this matter and let us know.


Low numbers will not automatically mean that we cancel the seminar but we might need to ask that you consider covering the actual costs which for a day’s seminar are more realistically between £200 and £250.

We do want to stress that we are not seeking to automatically get more money nor do we want to make it impractical for small groups to have a seminar. We do need however to be responsible for the ministry that God has given us.

If you have any questions or problems over this please do contact us so that we can talk things through and come to a clear arrangement that we are all happy with.


Advertising the event is vital and is part therefore of our agreement. We will do as much as we can to advertise the event and so we ask you as soon as possible and not less than 6 months before the date of the seminar (or immediately the seminar is booked if less) prepare an advertisement. This can either be of your own design or one that we prepare for you.

Unless specifically in-house training, send an explanatory letter together with your advertisement to every church that you know of in a five-mile radius of your own. If ‘in-house’ ensure all your church members know.

Where possible also talk to the friends that you have in other churches and encourage them to ensure that the advertisement is placed somewhere that everyone will have opportunity to see it.

Three months before the date send a reminder about the seminar to the churches that you contacted and again talk with your friends, to see whether they can stir up interest in

One month before ring the secretary of the church or the person who gives out the notices and enthuse about the importance of such a seminar.

If you know any ministers or other responsible people, in the churches you contacted, encourage them to urge people to be at the seminar.

More people will attend the seminar if the notice about it is given out with enthusiasm explaining how important this subject is, rather than just advertising it as ‘another meeting they could go to.’

Other possibilities include contacting the local media. You need to decide whether you want the extra advertising but if you are happy then contact Head Office. We will send a Press Release that you can distribute to the media. Both local newspapers and radio stations could be interested and provide the best form of local advertising.

It would probably be a good idea to at least contact your local ‘Sunday’ programme and see if you can get some free advertising for the seminar.