Reachout Trust Convention 2023
Bookings for this event are now closed.
Look out for news of our 2024 convention
Understanding and Answering the Cults.
I am pleased to announce we will be back at The Hayes Conference Centre, Alfreton, in the lovely Derbyshire countryside on 6-8 October for Reachout’s 41st annual convention. Why not join us for a weekend of teaching, fellowship, and equipping.
It’s a unique and often misunderstood sort of ministry, reaching out to the cults. Many involved in it have come from cults themselves and their stories are moving, inspiring, evidence that it’s a ministry that delivers. It isn’t the niche, specialist ministry many think it is. In fact many who work with us have never been in a cult. They simply came along one day, decided they like what we do, and joined in.
It involves commitment to reading and understanding the Bible, learning as you go along how to better handle those doorstep conversations, growing in the things of God and sharing what you learn with others. I suppose you can call it mission, a mission on your doorstep, in your neighbourhood. People have told me it has helped them grow in confidence in simply handling the word of God. Wherever you go from here, that’s a good gift to have.
Join us on 6-8 October for our annual Reachout Trust convention in Derbyshire. We’re committed to making Jesus known, answering the call of Jude to, ‘contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.’

Our theme for 2023 will be Understanding and Answering the Cults. Why do they believe the things they do? How do they build a case for their beliefs? What techniques do they bring and how can we be better prepared for that knock at the door, approach on the street, or workplace conversation?
Sessions Include:
Understanding the psychology of cults
Recognising and overcoming cult techniques
Why do people join cults?
Implications of Romans 6 for Jehovah’s Witnesses
Are we sharing the full gospel story?
The Impossible Gospel of Mormonism
Panel Discussion and Q&A
Last year’s theme was Correctly Handling the Word of Truth. It is an abiding theme not an abandoned one as we urge believers to continue in the written Word:
‘All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.‘ (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
This year we have our own booking form for those who might have found the venue’s form a little too complicated. We have pared down to the essentials and hope you find it simple and useful.