The letter mentioned here can now been found on the official UN Website – the evidence is clear.

The following postings were found on the JW discussion forum. Joe was writing to the United Nations asfollows:

“Wewould appreciate if you could take a moment to answer a few important questions for us about this matter. We apologize in advance, as we are aware that you must have by now answered these same questions to many others, time and time again, but it is important to us to see this in print from your organization for verification that the information we have been given is correct.

Here are the questions we would like you to address in a written reply, please. We have enclosed a self-addressed, stamped envelope to help defray some of the cost for you.

Questions about the Watchtower’s NGO participation:

1. Is it true that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., or any of its Watchtower affiliate corporations, were affiliated as a United Nations NGO (Non Governmental Organization) between 1992 and 2001?

2. Is it true that there are specific requirements that an NGO must meet to qualify as an NGO, or to continue to qualify as an NGO? Can you provide us with a copy of those NGO qualifications?

3. Is it possible, as the Watchtower Society alleges, that they became a UN NGO solely to obtain a library card, or to access your libraries or archives? Or, better put, does an organization need to become an NGO to obtain library and/or archive access? Please explain, if possible.

4. Is it true that the Watchtower Society terminated its association from the UN as an NGO in 2001? Please provide any details you may have about the reason for their termination.

We thank you in advance for your time and effort in answering these questions, as this information means a great deal to my family.”

Joe then tells us that he enclosed a SAE and waited for the reply. 3 or 4 months had gone by without a word from the folks at the UN and they felt they were not going to get a reply to the letter, probably they were swamped with too many similar requests.

Eventually though the reply came from the U.N. in New York. Joe tells us that,

“Opening the letter was like picking a big scab off of an old wound, now nearly healed. Yes, this was the hesitation – not wanting to reopen that wound. But, finally, my curiosity got the best of me and I carefully opened and read the letter.”

There it was. Yes, I have my own letter (see graphic image below) that clearly and specifically states that the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society “was associated with the Department of Public Information in 1992 and requested to be disassociated in 2001.” It went on to explain in two long paragraphs the specific details involved with being and maintaining NGO membership. Then it closed with this paragraph, which I will gladly share with you, as many of you are now wanting to know more about this – the truth about this dreadful hypocrisy. It says:

“I expect that you will share this information with your concerned colleagues as we are unable to address the scores of duplicate requests regarding the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society that are being directed to our offices. Than you for your interest in the work of the United Nations.”

Joe concludes the posting:

“I note that they did not touch on question #3, which may have been too controversial for them.

Friends, I am not making this up. I had stopped posting until I got this letter today, as other interests are now reshaping our lives and the healing process is well on its way. But, I felt it important to share this with those of you who did not get a reply, who never thought to even write the UN for one, or who will wait, as we did, 7 1/2 months or more… or maybe indefinitely.

The story is TRUE. Some, like my sister-in-law, still in “the Truth”, will probably still doubt even a clear Xerox of the letter with my name on it. They’ll think I made it with Photoshop somehow. But, I can assure you the letter I have is a real one, with a real UN letterhead on it.

Yes, “the truth will set you free”. We now feel ever more relieved, even vindicated, knowing that the stance we took, which caused us so much stress, sadness, grief, and now months later, great loneliness, was a stand for the truth. And we know that the Jehovah we learned to worship will stand by those who stand for the truth, and tolerate no hypocrisy, no wickedness and no lies.

We hope that by sharing this with those of you still searching, we can help you to know what to do, too.”

Take care.

Joe From Kokomo.